7 Tips And Tricks I'm using to Navigate 2020, Especially During Election Week
My pontifications on the events of this week are long and probably not suitable for a blog post - but here's to making it through!
Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed.
Maybe you're feeling hopeful.
Maybe you're feeling apathetic.
Depending on what you're feeling you may need just a little something different. Here are seven possible helps for handling life and business in the weirdest year I have ever lived
1. If you'd like a simple tool to help you start your day off right (regardless of what is happening in the world), you may like my new video. While you're there, subscribe so you get the next one, I have more in store!
2. If you feel like you need a treat, I have found that some of the See's Candies locations STILL have Caramel Apple Scotchmallows. These seasonal gems make me forget about the news. While I was in the St. George, Utah location today, they told me you can now check the store inventory for any location onlineand place an order to pick it up. This is fantastic news as we move into the holidays. Check and see if there is a caramel apple scotchmallow near you (truth be told, I'd rather have one of these tasty treats than anything pumpkin ANY day). And no, they do NOT pay me to share this with you. I wish they would!
3. If you feel like you're ready to uplevel your business, you may be interested in my Marketing Blueprint Workshop (in its 8th year). It's fully virtual this year so you can join safely from your home or office. In two days you'll be guided through a proven process to help you write your 2021 marketing plan, complete a twelve month content schedule and an effective budget! I go through this process for my businesses each fall and I help other entrepreneurs and marketing teams do the same. It's feeling really good to think about the future and move forward with hope AND a solid strategy. I'm more committed than ever to creating a crisis proof marketing plan.
4. If you feel like you need to open up something new (maybe you want to understand something or you have a pressing question on your mind, maybe you need a break and want to figure out how to navigate the many punches of 2020...) I recommend letting something go. It has been incredibly therapeutic to clean out closets (one at a time, don't think for one minute I cleaned all the closets in one day!), a drawer, or a shelf in the garage. Get rid of things you no longer need. Every item in your home or office represents space in your brain. FREE UP ROOM. Let me go one step further...Last week I let go of my favorite vice: the Diet Dr. Pepper for 7 days. This was not about health. This was about "fasting" from something I love, in the hopes of something better. I wanted my mind to be free during what was promised to be a tumultuous week and I was praying about some spiritual questions and needed some answers. I fast from food once a month for 24 hours on behalf of others or to think through my own issues and problems. This was a similar goal. I needed some answers and I wanted God to know that I was willing to make a sacrifice (and if you know me, you that was a BIG one ;) It was wonderful. Perhaps I can say that now because the 7 days are up and there's a soda on the table while I type (LOL). What can you let go of? Forever or even for a time? It's one way I'm navigating 2020 without losing my mind.
5.If you feel like social media (or even family dinners) are hard to navigate, I recommend repeating "Be Unoffendable". Two simple words have changed how I approach my social media feed and daily news. Being offended is a choice. Let me be clear, some people say AND do offensive things, but we can choose how we respond AND what we give space to in our hearts and minds. Even if there are questionable humans saying and doing terrible things, you can choose to let it go so that it doesn't hurt or fester. Don't give anyone else power to control how you feel. You're strong. If 2020 has taught us anything it's that we can do hard things.
6. If you're looking for something good to listen to, my podcast is back up and running. (Insert celebration emoji!) You may like my MINICAST series. Quick podcasts to listen to when you only have a few minutes and you need a quick boost. Subjects from high performance and happiness to business and marketing. Whatever you need to live a Make It Happen Life. Available on iTunes Podcast or Online.
7. If you need an outlet, create something. This year I've gone back to some of my favorite paper crafts, card making and scrapbooking - so therapeutic. I love capturing memories and creating something fun. I've also been creating professionally. The last 6 months in my business look different than I expected and I focused in different areas to maintain income and client relationships. It was also nice to redesign the new Marketing Blueprint Planner. In between scrapbooking layouts I was making changes with my graphic designer and getting details confirmed with the printer. Can't wait to hold them. Humans were born to create. How do you create? What lights up your soul? Do more of that. Schedule it even. The marketing planner, the scrapbook pages (scrapbook weekend FTW) and even this email were made possible by a blocked out time on my calendar. Not only will you get something done, but it's also something to look forward to, and I think we can all agree that having fun, creative things to look forward to may just save us.
Well, listen, I know it's probably not the Holy Grail you may be looking for, but time and time again, when I come back to the simple things I'm amazed at what it does for me. I spent a little while waiting for things to go back to normal. NO MORE. I'm moving forward. Join me?
You have one life, make it The HappyIST!
For more tips and tricks, subscribe to my YouTube channel.