Online Marketing Lessons from Brendon Burchard


Is the book that good?

I was introduced to Brendon Burchard when The Millionaire Messenger first came out - before it was a New York Times Best Seller. I bought his book through his site during his launch period.

A little bit later, he offered the book on Kindle, and I bought it electronically because he offered an AMAZING bonus I couldn't say no to. I HAD ALREADY READ THE BOOK!

THEN, a little bit later, he sent another email telling people to buy his book on Audio CD and if you did, you'd get ANOTHER four part video series from him. So I bought the Audio CD. I've actually listened to it many times in my car, even though I had already read the printed version.

Then I got the physical paperback book one more time when I was part of a mastermind with Brendon Burchard himself. There's a great marketing lesson in here.

Yep, I'm a sucker. In my defense, his offers were GOOD - worth it. I share this example when I speak on marketing as a great example about bonus offers and I often joke that Brendon should just put the subject line on all of his emails: "Get out your credit cards, suckers!" because I've been to 4 of his live events, purchased many of his digital programs, bought ALL of his books (MULTIPLE TIMES), and attended a small group high ticket mastermind with him in Portland.

 Smart guy.

Truth be told I enlisted the help of a friend (the smart and awesome Tiffany Peterson) to keep me from buying any more Brendon Burchard. I told her I needed a sponsor - I was an addict. I asked if I could call her before I made any more BB purchases and she agreed to do me this service and hide my credit cards. When I called to tell her about the small group mastermind, she didn't talk me out of it she said, "Sign me up - and you sign up, too!" Ha! She did NOT save me any money, but we DID have an awesome experience. No regrets.

I've learned a lot from Brendon over the years, and I've had the opportunity to implement many of his teachings. This month during my book launch I implemented many of his tips. They were successful, too because I was on the Hot New Releases list for 4 weeks! (During launch week I was #4 only beat by 3 different versions of Tony Robbin's recent release "Unstoppable". He truly was unstoppable. Ha!)

Like Brendon I launched my book with some bonuses, and many took advantage of the offer. Like Brendon, I offered different bonuses at different times to get people to purchase the book.


I wrote my book so people will read it. I want to get it into as many hands as I possibly can. I want people to enjoy it and find something in the book that will help them achieve the goals and dreams they have in their heads.

I also know people are busy and they already have a stack of books on their nightstand (please tell me I'm not the only one) competing for their precious reading time. So I needed to overcome that objection.

It worked.

The bonus periods made my book an Amazon Best Seller even before launch day. πŸŽ‰

And "Make It Happen Blueprint" stayed on the Amazon Hot New Releases for the entire 30 days possible.

I'll take that as a win.

I know this is just the beginning.  I want my book to exist long past the launch period.

What other lessons can you learn from this?

#1 You don't always have to discount to get people to buy. Figure out how to add value to the equation.

#2 Brendon is a machine but he's built a loyal following by adding value above and beyond his bonuses. I knew his courses were going to be good because he did a good job of advertising exactly how he could help me. I also enjoyed his videos, emails and blog posts and wanted more because they were good.

#3 It's good to know what will hold people back from saying yes. Think through all the possible objections and overcome them before the customer even has a chance to voice them.

#4 If you have something good, don't be afraid to share it with the world. Nothing has ever felt more vulnerable than writing down my thoughts and publishing thousands of copies so people could read them. While I'm thrilled with the success my book has had to this point it wasn't without hours of doubt.  Good things push you past your comfort zone.

If you want to see how I structured my latest book bonus you can see it here: get my book.


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