WHY Lady Gaga CRUSHED IT During the Oscars 2015 and Why It Should Matter to You
I haven't seen the Oscars yet. As an avid movie goer, I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't even looked up the winners. However, after oodles of social media posts, I finally Googled "Lady Gaga Oscars 2015" and like everyone else I was BLOWN AWAY.Immediately, I realized why this is such a powerful display and a few things we can ALL learn from Sunday night's performance. (If you haven't seen it click the picture to see the full official video.)Most importantly, it's okay (and AWESOME) to show a different, authentic side of yourself. After hosting my radio show Make It Happen for over a year, I had the opportunity to meet with a listener. During our candid conversation and visit she said, "I had no idea you were funny!" I didn't know if I should be offended or to laugh, but it was a very interesting insight. She was an avid listener of my show and went on to say that she had gleaned a lot of great information, yet, she wondered why I didn't share more of my personal, humorous side. If I'm being candid, that awareness led me to uncover a deep rooted fear that I couldn't be professional AND funny. In an effort have people take me seriously, I let go of a piece of me that is an important part of who I am. I still struggle with this from time to time, but every time I share an appropriate personal story (most often, something wildy embarrassing I've done) or talk about sweat tacos, I feel more at ease, and I feel like I'm shedding a shell that needs to be cracked.That said, I feel the need to throw out a word of caution: this is not an open invitation to be overly personal. I loved the distinction Ann Handley, author of the bestselling book "The Content Rules" gives on this subject. She said, "There's a difference between being personal and being personable." Share the pieces of you that fans will want to relate to you and keep your dirty laundry (and string of complaints) in the closet.While I believe that Lady Gaga is already authentic as a popular musician, this other side of her shows her multifaceted artistry and talent. Let's all share more sides of our true selves so people can appreciate who we are on multiple levels. Join me?Second, taking a strategic risk is always good. I'm not saying to go out and make stupid decisions, though if I'm honest, some of my stupidest decisions taught me the most. I'm on the cusp of releasing a published book, rolling out a new season of my radio show and have some projects begging to come out. I'm feeling vulnerable and nervous and excited. I've got that tightening in my chest that is half so excited it could burst and half worried if I'm making the biggest mistake of my life. I've learned that opportunities abound and the gap between the ones the reach their dreams and the ones that don't are the ones willing to take a risk.Life is full of these Make It Happen Moments....a fork in the road where we get to decide: Am I going to play it safe, or am I going to do something I've never done to get results I haven't yet gotten (as the old addage says)?It's time, my friends. It's time to create Your Make It Happen Moments that determine your future and your dreams. You've probably already had some of those moments, and you'll probably have some more. Will you share yours? I'd love to feature your story-your make it happen moment on my radio show and through this site. Email us at <inquiry> @ <speakmichelle> dot com.