Facebook Marketing with Jesse Stay
Download the Make It Happen Radio Show with Jesse Stay.Get Jesse's on-demand Webinar on Facebook ads: http://bit.ly/JesseFBAdsMeet today's guest: Jesse Stay

Jesse Stay started as a software developer, programming computers since he was 10 years old. An entrepreneur at heart, he discovered a desire to grow audiences and customers for the apps he built, but lacked the skills to do so. His only option was to go out and hire an expensive marketer, SEO, or social media professional to help with app growth. He decided this needed to change, and applied his software skills to a proven program for cultivating and growing large audiences that convert. Jesse went on to write 6 books, helped design some of the top apps on Facebook through his specialty of "social design", and has consulted for multi-national organizations and companies to help them improve their marketing and social media strategies. Through one of his specialties, Facebook ads, Jesse has grown Facebook Pages in the millions for multiple organizations and individuals using a few simple techniques in Facebook marketing strategy. In his books, blogs, webinars, and coaching, Jesse teaches his audiences that anyone can be a marketer. He has since been recognized as one of the top 10 developers to follow on Twitter, and top 20 entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Mashable and Entrepreneur magazine.
You can follow Jesse at facebook.com/stay, twitter.com/jesse, or on Google+ at plus.google.com/+jessestay
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