Today's Show: Sharing Your Story and Birthing Your Book With Linda Sivertsen
Do you have a book you are ready to birth? Today's show is for you! Join us at 4:00 PM MT/6:00 PM ET to listen LIVE.Linda Sivertsen, the ever classy Book Mama, will be my guest on Make It Happen Radio today.We're going to talk about:- How to get started in writing your book.- How to find and nurture you're writing "voice".- Self Publishing vs. Getting Published.- How to create routines for book writing success.Linda is the best of the best. She's an author herself and she's also helped other amazing authors bring life to their book ideas and the message.If you're ready to get your message out in bigger ways, look no further than this show!I'm in love with her first person bio:LINDA SIVERTSEN
I’m a book proposal doctor, author whisperer, agent connector, idea-fairy, and huge-hearted cheerleader of creativity for writers of all genres — and every gold-plated publishing dream. In addition to authoring & co-authoring eight books — including Closer Than You Think (April 2012, Conari Press), Generation Green (Simon & Schuster), Lives Charmed (HCI), and the NY Times bestseller Harmonic Wealth (Hyperion) — I help aspiring authors land 6- and 7-figure book deals at my writing retreats in Carmel-by-the-Sea.I’m living my creative writing fantasy-life. I want to help you claim yours.Find me online at (because delivering book babies is easier than the human kind!) and on Twitter at @lindasivertsen.Want more of Linda's (and my other great pal Danielle LaPorte) knowledge on taking your message into book publishing? You NEED Your Big Beautiful Book Plan. It's a full digital experience that helps you put together the proposal that you need to shop big publishers. I have it. I love it. It's AWESOME. Learn more about Your Big Beautiful Book Plan Here. To see a list of all of our episodes go to: