On Desire, Authenticity, and Fire Starting Your Business - With Danielle LaPorte
"What if, first, we got clear on how we actually wanted to feel in our life, and then we laid out our intentions? What if your most desired feelings consciously informed how you plan your day, your year, your career, your holidays — your life?
You know what will happen with that kind of inner clarity and outer action? You’ll feel the way you want to feel more often than not. Decisions will be easier to make: You’ll know what to say no, thank you to and what to say hell yes! to. I bet you’ll complain less. You’ll be more optimistic, more open-hearted. It will be easier for you to return to your center in the midst of a challenge — I promise." - Danielle LaPorte The Desire Map
You are about to be ignited in ways you never thought possible. Enlightened in ways that will keep your path lit for ages. We're going to talk about feelings in a way that will rock your world and we're also going to talk about business strategy and how Danielle has created an empire of books, websites, and speaking engagements that are getting recognized around the globe.This woman is part "OMMMMM" (think legs crossed, eyes closed, thumb and first finger connected) + part no-nonsense strategy. I love her for it.And I got her on the air to talk about it. They call her site the "best of the web". Now, she's going to be the "best of the airwaves!"Monday, January 21st, 20133:00 PM Pacific/4:00 PM Mountain/5:00 PM Central/6:00 PM Eastern Listen live during your time zone by clicking here and hitting the yellow play button at the top of the page. (If you can't make it live, watch for the playback so you can be inspired on your commute, at home, at the office or even at the gym).Introducing Danielle LaPorteDanielle LaPorte is the outspoken creator of The Desire Map, author of The Fire Starter Sessions (Random House/Crown), and co-creator of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan. An inspirational speaker, former think tank exec and business strategist, she writes weekly at DanielleLaPorte.com, where over a million visitors have gone for her straight-up advice — a site that’s been named one of the “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes.Danielle has been featured in Elle, Body + Soul, Vogue Australia, Better Homes & Gardens, Globe & Mail, The National Post, The Huffington Post, Entertainment Tonight, USAToday and BusinessWeek.com. She was a news show commentator for CBC, and is a former director of a Washington-DC think tank, where she managed a team of analysts studying global trends for the likes of the Pentagon and the World Bank.A list of “Top 10 Blogs by Women That Might Change Your Life,” describes Danielle LaPorte like this:“She’s confidently contrarian, feminine, decisive, and creative. She combines spirituality with sound business principles. She has an e-program, a line of chic, minimalist notecards, and gives coaching sessions at $1000 a pop. She’s been listed, ranked and quoted. At the core of her success is her ability to write. She writes beautifully, lustfully, and poignantly and is quite possibly the most talented and insightful writer publishing on the web. If you haven’t experienced www.daniellelaporte.com, you are missing the best of the web.”I know, right?!
See you Monday, until then, Make it Happen!MichelleP.S. I'm hosting Danielle LaPorte in Salt Lake City with Startup Princess on February 21st. Know why God invented cars and airplanes, so you could come see her LIVE. Details here.To see a list of all of our episodes go to: http://www.speakmichelle.com/podcast